Wednesday, July 3

Greetings Joneses: You Win!

Dear Joneses,I'm done competing with you. I have finally realized my error after much deliberation. I'm not going to put too much pressure on myself t

Dear Joneses,

I’m done competing with you. I have finally realized my error after much deliberation. I’m not going to put too much pressure on myself to maintain my appearance. Not anymore.

I understood how little my salary could buy. Despite how little that amount may be in someone else’s eyes, it’s my money. I earned it through my own hard work. It is also my business what I decide to do with it.

I’ll tell you what I chose to do with it even though it really isn’t any of your business. I made the decision to put an end to my foolishness. That’s right. What sense does it make for me to make other people richer, while I only get to pretend like The pricey car?I’m wealthy. the designer clothing and footwear. this huge, luxurious home. I’m overwhelmed by the debt that’s hidden behind all the expensive things.

I can’t take it any longer.

I value myself and am aware of who I am. And for that reason, I kept wondering, “Why?” “Why am I putting myself through this stress by purchasing so much stuff that I don’t need and doesn’t make me happy?” Mama ain’t raise no fools for the sake of fitting in. My labor’s output ought to, at the very least, make people happy. I’m not happy pretending to be rich by appearing rich. I need the real deal. And I’m on board if all I need to do is alter my perspective and a few of my habits.

This is how it will be moving forward: I’m going to manage my money responsibly. I will stick to my budget and make wise financial decisions. Future financial objectives have been set. Aside from that, I’m also learning how to invest actively. I came to the conclusion that it’s much preferable to have money work hard for me rather than the other way around. In the end, I’ll be able to leave those investments to my kids so they won’t have to work as hard as I did.

I must express to you how free I feel! Maybe I was blind before, but I can see now! I’m sending you all my best wishes and best wishes for health. I’m always available to you if you need to talk about gaining a financial education, just like any good neighbor would be. To your success!


Your Money Entertaining Neighbor

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