Tuesday, July 2

Money Changes Hands

The other day, during a conversation with a friend and coworker, the subject of personal finance came up. We came to the conclusion from our

The other day, during a conversation with a friend and coworker, the subject of personal finance came up. We came to the conclusion from our conversation that although money can be used in a variety of ways by people, the real question is how you use it. Some people have more than enough personal wealth to the point where it is not an object to them. Then there are the many people who want to have more money but don’t have the knowledge or experience to improve their cash flow. When looking to God for solutions to all of life’s difficult problems, including financial ones, we must do so with a God-centered perspective. God will answer your request for wisdom. James 1:5.

When Jesus walked the earth, he spoke more about money and love than many other topics combined. He continues to speak today through professionals in the financial advisory, life and health insurance, and other fields, including but not limited to: tax advisors or estate planning attorneys that specialize in areas that has to do with money. When selling insurance products to assist you as a consumer in accumulating and protecting wealth, these professionals should be duly licensed in the state in which they reside and possess a non-resident license.

Money can exist as and become an object in a number of different ways. One situation is if you needed money back but didn’t have any, in which case you would face financial difficulties. In the second case, you could carry out your plans without worrying about money because you would have the money and access to it. Another situation is if you have hired someone for specific services and have not paid them what was agreed upon for their labors but have withheld their wages. In this case, you have committed fraud. The wealthy who engage in these unethical business practices are warned repeatedly by James. We must learn to manage everything God has given us with wisdom, according to James 5:1–6.

Having more than enough material wealth is not a problem. It is more blessed to give than to receive, so if you are using your wealth to benefit those in need rather than yourself, you have missed the mark. Acts 20:35 During the early 1970s, the American pop band the O’Jays had a number-one hit single with the title “For the Love of Money.”” “Some of the lyrics to this song said things like, “It will keep on changing up your mind.” Money comes and goes; don’t let it fool you or change you.

Money is a valuable resource that we cannot live without; it is not the issue. “Given that the lust for money is the source of all evil, it is no wonder that some people have erred by becoming too greedy and lost their way, leading to their self-inflicted suffering.” Who do you love more, God or the wealth He has given you access to? —I Timothy 6:10. “Place your treasures in heaven, a place where neither rust nor moth can destroy it and where thieves cannot enter and steal. “Because where your heart is, there your treasure will be as well… You cannot love both God and money.” Matthew 6:19-24.

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