Monday, July 1

Seven ways to reduce your fuel consumption while driving

Nearly everyone in this economically troubled world is constantly looking for ways to save money. The cost of gasoline or diesel is likely the second-

Nearly everyone in this economically troubled world is constantly looking for ways to save money. The cost of gasoline or diesel is likely the second-highest monthly expense, after the mortgage. When we are out and about, we frequently scan the different gas stations to see where the best deals are, and then we make the majority of our purchases from that particular station. However, how you drive actually saves the most fuel.

You can save money and make your fuel last longer by regularly following the seven steps listed below.

1 Drive more slowly

Most of us, who are constantly pressed for time, will find this to be very frustrating. While driving faster makes sense, it also uses more fuel. Additionally, speeding up results in more damage to your car and higher repair costs. As a result, discipline yourself to obey the speed limit and ignore other drivers who are irritated by it.

You should consider slowing down even more after reading the following advice from AA.

Fuel consumption increases between 50 mph and 70 mph by up to 9% and 15%, respectively. Up to 25% more fuel may be consumed when cruising at 80 mph compared to 70 mph.

2. Drive at a constant speed

Increased fuel consumption results from frequent acceleration, braking, and gear changes. Attempt to alter speed gradually. The most productive level for shifting up in a gasoline car is 2500 revs, and in a diesel cat, it’s 2000.

3 Switch Off In Traffic Jams

Switch off your vehicle if you anticipate spending more than three minutes stuck in traffic.

4 Maintain regular auto maintenance and monitor tire inflation.

Spark plugs and filters need to be checked for wear and tear. It’s also crucial to use the right grade of engine oil. A consistent service is therefore crucial. Make sure your tires are properly inflated as well; having underinflated tires forces the engine to work harder to move you from point A to point B. It’s amazing what a little air can do.

5 Cut down on use of Air Conditioning

Keep windows open as much as you can because air conditioning uses more fuel when traveling at low speeds.

6. Choose the road of least resistance.

In other words, whenever possible, take the highway rather than the winding, hilly roads that require more braking, shifting, and accelerating as mentioned in point 2 above. You may find it hard to believe, but the choice you make here could save you, on average, 30% on your fuel expenses.

7 Lose weight

No, I’m not suggesting you start a diet. Remove everything you don’t need for the trip from your car. A roof rack, which increases wind resistance, is a good illustration.

Therefore, using the aforementioned seven steps in conjunction with the least expensive gas station can help you save a lot of money on fuel and, hopefully, put a smile on your face when you sit down to calculate your personal finance spending.

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